24/7 production: Loading and unloading HURCO machining centers automatically
Automated machine loading
HURCO shows how the cooperation of machining center and loading robot ensures more efficiency in production with assured quality: For machine loading and unloading, HURCO CNC machining centers can be combined with corresponding automation systems. This increases productivity, but saves personnel resources.
Pliening, Germany, September 2017: “This flexible system enables the expansion of the multi-shift operation in single-piece and small series production without having to increase personnel expense for machine operation,” reports Michael Auer, Managing Director of HURCO Deutschland and Head of Sales for HURCO machine tools throughout Europe.
HURCO opted for the “Titanium” BMO system. This system allows a CNC machining center to be docked on both the left and right. Blanks are fed in the loading robot cell on trays. The robot arm integrated into the cell positions the blanks in the machining center, removes them after production and places them back into trays in the cell. “The operator loads the racks of the cell, programs the machine tool, starts the program and can then watch the system during operation,” explains Michael Auer.
HURCO Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Alexandra Banek
Gewerbestraße 5 a
D-85652 Pliening
Phone +49 89 905094 29